Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Theories of communication Essay Example for Free

Hypotheses of correspondence Essay Hypotheses of correspondence Argyles hypothesis of correspondence is a pattern of six ideas, which rehashes its self through each discussion, messaging, call, and text, through all the manners in which we impart. The 6 after advances are: A thought happens An idea experiences your head. Model: A birthing assistant intuition to advise an understudy maternity specialist to proceed to do the perceptions on the patient that has quite recently come in Message coded-turning your considerations and emotions in to correspondence pondering Your body pose, manner of speaking, non-verbal communication, signals, pictures, composing and stance. Model the birthing assistant now needs to think how to say to the understudy maternity specialist she needs to do the perceptions and how she is going to seem to be, her manner of speaking, her outward appearances, non-verbal communication , does she have to compose it and her stance. Message sent-have imparted what you need to state. Model The maternity specialist has now advised the understudy birthing assistant to proceed to do perceptions on the woman that has come in, how she would have preferred to go over. Message got is the point at which the individual or crowd has gotten what the sender had attempted to impart. Model The understudy birthing specialist has gotten what the maternity specialist has imparted. Message decoded-now they need to take what has been said and attempt to decipher it so they comprehend what they have conveyed. Model the understudy birthing specialist is presently attempting to comprehend and decipher the thing the maternity specialist has said about doing perceptions on the patient that has quite recently come in. Message comprehended the crowd or the individual focused at has comprehended what has been imparted. Model the understudy birthing specialist has comprehended that she needs to proceed to do the perceptions on the patient that has recently come in. This works with a reaction too for instance: Thought happens thinking about a reaction model: the understudy maternity specialist is thinking about a reaction to state to the birthing specialist. Message coded-thinking how you will impart your reaction Example-understudy maternity specialist thinks how she will convey her reaction. Message sent-you have conveyed your reaction Example-The understudy birthing specialist has imparted what she needs to state to the maternity specialist. Message got the reaction has been gotten model The birthing specialist has gotten the understudy midwife’s reaction Message decoded-take the reaction and attempt to get it, endeavor to unravel it- Example †the maternity specialist now needs to interpret what the understudy birthing assistant has said so she can get it. Message comprehended they have comprehended the reaction Example-the maternity specialist has comprehended the understudy birthing assistant will proceed to do the perceptions on the patient that has quite recently come in. Bruce Tuckman’s 1965. Shaping, raging, norming and performing-group improvement model Bruce Tuckman’s hypothesis was a useful clarification of group advancement and conduct. He accepted that there was stages when a group meet up and they was the shaping, raging, norming, and performing there is additionally deferring and changing otherwise called the grieving stage These stages worked this way: The principal stage is framing and this was the group being collected, toward the starting every individual will in general carry on autonomously, until they begin forming in to a group. The group is meeting up and attempting to make sense of why they are there or what they need to do. They invest energy gathering data and holding. The subsequent stage is the raging stage, in this stage the group know about the assignment and start to recommend various thoughts and what they will do and how it functions. This is only the phase of thoughts and discussing the assignment. This is likewise when a group chief might be framed to lead the gathering. Time is spent tending to the assignment working out what they need to do and afterward conceptualizing every one of their thoughts for the errand. The third stage is the norming stage, this is the place the group finish the raging stage and move towards taking a shot at the errand in the wake of assembling every one of their thoughts and concurr ing on what they will accomplish and work out a successful arrangement, permitting the commitment of every part. Now group pioneer can likewise make a stride back as every individual colleague assumes greater liability. In this stage time is utilized assembling thoughts and concurring and moving towards dealing with the assignment. The fourth stage is the performing, playing out their plans to finish the assignment given and have a last piece, this is where they really do it and attempt to finish it. The time is spent finishing the errand, cooperating. The last stage is the suspending and changing otherwise called grieving. This is the last stage; this is the separation of the group, where the group leave as they have finished the undertaking given. Case of Bruce Tuckman’s hypothesis: study hall of year ones on their first day. The year ones have been placed into a gathering, thisâ is where they meet and talk just because, this would be the framing stage, as the gathering is being framed and molded. The instructor at that point gave them an assignment. Every kid needed to give a plan to assist with finishing the errand, this is the raging stage as various thoughts where assembled to help total the undertaking. The year ones at that point needed to choose all together what thoughts they enjoyed and concede to which one they was going to use for the assignment, this is the norming stage where they all choose and concur and begin to take a shot at the errand, additionally concurring on the guidelines which is given for the undertaking. The fifth stage is the performing stage where they all play out the errand given and the choices are synergistic for the last piece. The last stage is the suspending and changing stage where the kids return home subsequent to finishing their assignment and the gathering is separated as the undertaking is presently wrapped up.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Decrease Overall Average Costs Associated †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Talk About The Decrease Overall Average Costs Associated? Answer: Introducation Economies of scale allude to the points of interest that collect to an organization because of the expansion in the size of creation. The general point of extending creation is to expand yield with a lessening in the general normal expenses related. The low costs empower the firm to work underway effectiveness which permits them upper hand underway. This takes into consideration lower costs and higher benefits thusly since the expenses of creation are low. Since over the long haul all elements of creation are changed, there are no fixed or variable expenses. In this manner the advantages of economies of scale must be knowledgeable about the since a long time ago run. The since a long time ago run cost bend speaks to the economies of scale. At the point when the bend inclines downwards, there are diminishing comes back to scale, when the LRAC is 1 there are consistent comes back to scale and when the LRAC has a positive slope there are expanding comes back to scale. Comes back to scal e implies the rate at which the negligible cost expands comparative with the unit yield delivered. The LRAC is drawn dependent on the territories of intersection between the SRAC and the LRAC. There are inward and outer economies of scale which are gotten from the drawn out development of the firm itself. For instance learning by doing, specialization, monopsony force and systems made. Likewise the firm determines administrative economies of scale through expanded interest in human capital. Likewise there are outside economies of scale that incorporate better innovative work just as a coordinations organize. These are benefits that happen outside a firm yet inside the business. Diseconomies of Scale Diseconomies of scale happen when the negligible expenses of creating yield are higher than the genuine benefits that are acquired from the expansion underway scale. At the point when the LRAC inclines upwards, the diseconomies of scale start expanding. A few instances of the diseconomies of scale make out of regulatory issues, clinical consideration just as protection for the workers that were occupied with request to build the size of creation. ZTL constrained is a vehicle carport and fix organization that has been doing business throughout the previous 5 years. At first the organization had three primary specialists however as time developed it needed to recruit more workers. The organization had the option to fulfill more customers and develop its incomes. It anyway was significant for the organization to enlist greater administration representatives so as to manage the HR issues of the workers. Pay flexibility of interest alludes to how reasonable the amount requested of a particular decent is to any adjustment in genuine pay of buyers bookkeeping buy the great, with different elements staying consistent. The recipe for ascertaining salary versatility of interest is basic. It is found by separating the rate change in the amount requested by the rate change in salary (Khan 2012). Pay versatility of interest is frequently used to set up if a particular decent speaks to an extravagance or a need contingent upon its qualities or type. A positive salary versatility of interest speak to typical, or need products as the worth is somewhere in the range of zero and one and customers will buy them paying little heed to the adjustment in their genuine pay, for instance, power and water. A negative salary versatility of interest, then again, speaks to mediocre merchandise and their interest diminishes as the customer genuine pay increments for instance margarine, a less expensive subst itute for spread. The salary flexibility of interest connected to extravagance merchandise in more noteworthy than one and customers buy contingent upon how much their genuine pay changes, for instance, fashioner vehicles and gems. Cross value flexibility of interest assesses how much change the interest for a particular cooperative attitude experience because of an adjustment in the cost of another great. Cross-value versatility of interest takes a gander at the association between two items, great or administration by catching the reaction of the amount required for one item to a change in the cost of another item. Its equation is equivalent to the rate change in the amount requested of item An isolated by the rate change in the cost of item B (Deaton 1987). A negative cross-cost flexibility of interest speaks to reciprocal items; for instance, on the off chance that the interest for vehicles expands, at that point the interest for fuel of increments and in the event that the cost of the supplement diminishes, at that point the interest for the other great will go up. A positive cross-value versatility of interest, then again, speaks to two substitute items. For example, in the event that there is an expansion in the cost of espresso, at that point buyers will purchase more tea and less espresso. With respect to free items, the cross-value flexibility of interest as an estimation of Zero as a change in the cost of one item doesn't influence the interest of the other. As indicated by the crimped bended model of an oligopoly, each organization manages two market request bends of any of its items (Masking Tirole 1988). At the point when the cost is high the interest bend will be moderately flexible and when it is low interest will be generally inelastic; when the two meets the kinked?demand bend is appeared. The crimped request bend is an attribute of oligopolistic as a result of the sort of rivalry originating from different oligopolies in the market. If there should be an occurrence of an expansion in value oligopolies normally don't duplicate each yet on account of a reduction, they for the most part duplicate other. For instance, in the automobile business, if Ford builds the costs of its items, GMC won't follow with an expansion in the cost of its items. Be that as it may, if GMC somehow managed to diminish the cost of its items Ford will follow quickly with its very own lessening. Reference list Deaton, A.1987. Estimation of own-and cross-value flexibilities structure family unit overview information. Diary of Econometrics, Vol. 36. Accessible from: https://www.princeton.edu/~deaton/downloads/Estimating_Own_and_Cross_Price_Elasticities.marketing . [13 September 2017]. Khan, S. 2012. Pay Elasticities of Demand for significant utilization things. Contextual analysis of Kashmir University Teachers. Worldwide Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol. 2. Avialable from: https://www.ijsrp.org/research_paper_jun2012/ijsrp-June-2012-85.pdf . [13 September 2017]. Concealing, E Tirole, J. 1988. A hypothesis of dynamic oligopoly, II: Price rivalry, crimped request bends, and Edgeworth cycles. Econometrica, vol. 56, no. 3. Accessible https://scholar.harvard.edu/documents/maskin/records/a_theory_of_dynamic_oligopoly_ii_price_competition_kinked_demand_curves_and_edgeworth_cycles.pdf . [13 September 2017].

Thursday, July 30, 2020

How Many Human Emotions Are There

How Many Human Emotions Are There Emotions Print How Many Human Emotions Are There? By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on January 22, 2020 Dimitri Otis / The Image Bank / Getty Images More in Psychology Emotions Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources History and Biographies Theories Phobias Sleep and Dreaming Emotions rule so much of our lives. Even writers and poets seem incapable of describing the full range and experience of human emotions. Emotions are at once elusive yet the facet by which we communicate the subtlest of feelings to those around us. We cant exist without them but rarely stop to consider how many there actually are. It is a question that has intrigued and challenged scientists and philosophers for generations and continues to do so today. The Study of Emotions As early as the 4th century B.C., Aristotle attempted to identify the exact number of core emotions in humans. Described as Aristotles List of Emotion, the philosopher proposed 14 distinct emotional expressions: fear, confidence, anger, friendship, calm, enmity, shame, shamelessness, pity, kindness, envy, indignation, emulation, and contempt.?? In his 1872 publication The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, Charles Darwin theorized that emotions were innate, evolved, and had a functional purpose. While Darwin did not explicitly define these basic emotions, it is thought he envisioned a shorter list of essential emotions, including fear, anger, sadness, happiness, and love.?? By the 20th century, with the advent of psychotherapy, the number had expanded considerably. According to Robert Plutchick, professor emeritus at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, more than 90 different definitions of emotion have been put forth by psychologists with the aim of accurately describing what constitutes and differentiates human emotion.?? In recent years, psychologists have tried to identify and categorize these emotions in a way that is considered empirical and universal. However, the number of emotions researchers settle on greatly depends on how specifically emotions are defined and the criteria used. For example, in a 2017 study, researchers identified 27 unique emotions.?? Still, when it comes to the most basic emotions, most psychologists will tell you that are far fewer than one might think and that larger accountings of emotional expression come from more nuanced variations of those basic feelings.?? Plutchiks Wheel of Emotions One of the most prominent theories of the 20th century is Robert Plutchiks wheel of emotions. In it, Plutchik proposed eight basic emotionsâ€"joy, sadness, trust, disgust, fear, anger, surprise, and anticipationâ€"which he believed overlapped and bled into the next like hues on a color wheel.?? Plutchick further explained that the primary emotional colors can combine to form the secondary and complementary emotional colors. For example, anticipation plus joy might combine to form optimism, while fear and surprise might together describe awe. Eckmans Facial Action Coding System Many researchers have questioned Plutchiks model and argued that his secondary and complementary emotions can often vary by culture or society. They insist that, in order for an emotion to be considered foundational, it has to be universally experienced in all cultures.?? To this end, psychologist Paul Ekman created what he called the facial action coding system (FACS), a classification model which measures and evaluates the movements of facial muscles as well as those of the eyes and head. Based on his theory, Ekman proposed that there are seven emotional expressions universal to people all over the world: happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, anger, disgust, and contempt. While Ekmans work helped highlight the effect of nature or nurture on emotional response, much of his theory has since been criticized when, in 2004, he proposed that the same technique could be used as a means of lie detection. Four Irreducible Emotions Following on Ekmans work, a research team at the University of Glasgow in 2014 aimed to identify emotions based on facial expressions irrespective of sociocultural influences.?? What the researchers found was that certain emotions elicited the same facial response. Fear and surprise, for example, engaged the same facial muscles and, rather than representing two emotions, could be seen one. The same could be applied to disgust and anger or excitement and shock.?? Based on their findings, the scientists pared down the number of irreducible emotions to just four: happiness, sadness, anger, and fear. Beyond this, they argued, the more complex variations of emotion have evolved over the millennia under numerous social and cultural influences.?? The commonality of facial expressions, they say, is primarily biological (something we are born with) while the distinction between subtle and complex emotional expressions are mainly sociological (things that we, as a culture, have learned and developed over time). A Word From Verywell Emotions, and how we experience and express them, can be both abundantly apparent or remarkably subtle. The general consensus among scientists today is that the basic emotions, however many there may be, serve as the foundation for the more complex and subtle emotions that make up the human experience.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Should Gun Control Reduce Violence - 1774 Words

Do-Hyun Weaver Professor Mike Beasley English 201 Final Essay 08/14/14 Would gun control reduce Violence? Perhaps gun control is one of the most controversial topics in America, appealing to the emotions of those who support, as well as those who oppose the regulation of firearms. Although people take various stance on the issue, supporting some aspects for control and rejecting others, the more rigid individuals tend to split into pro gun and anti gun control. The pro gun group express themselves as the supporters of constitutional right to bear arms according to the Second Amendment. Advocates of gun control distinguish themselves as struggling for a more civilized society against gun nuts and profit driven firearms manufacturers. The issue of gun control is a political question that each side has tremendous interest in the outcome. Hence, positions tend to solidify and supporters of one position tend to deny any merit in the place taken by others, each side detracts those who they disagree with. Researchers who are meticulous in presenting research results can become ardent in their a rgumentation as the most supporters of a enthusiastic political position. Nevertheless, data indicate that numerous nations that have more stringent gun controls does not necessarily show the correlations with lower rate of violent crimes, leading to the conclusion that the United States current gun regulation requires comprehensive revisions. Until then, Gun regulation of the UnitedShow MoreRelatedA Stop Action : Reduce Mass Violence1309 Words   |  6 PagesA Call to Action: Reduce mass violence While researching texts written about the gun control and how to reduce mass violence, I found a few authors who published books about the gun control in America. These authors often placed the gun control they were studying into an historical context by discussing the important events in murders cases of the past years. Gun control has recently created a massive uproar throughout the United States because of the recent, and sincerely unfortunateRead MoreEssay on Gun Control1021 Words   |  5 PagesSince the early days, gun control has been a never-ending debate. It is because of the fast increase in crime, the fight for the right to own a hand gun, the introduction of legislation for gun control in order reduce the crime in the United States, that this issue has been hotly debated in recent years. The streets of America are now a war zone especially right here were we live. ?Florida has the highest crime rate of any state and the sixth highest homicide level?(w ww.guncite.com). A sad fact butRead MoreReducing Gun Violence Essay1563 Words   |  7 Pageswhether to require the start of reducing gun violence. Guns have always been a part of American culture, even before we became the America we know today. In colonial times and the days of the Wild West, guns were an essential part of survival. They were needed to kill animals for food and to protect against unwanted trespassers and predators. However, in these modern times, because we have conveniences such as Hannaford and organized police systems, guns have gone from tools of necessity to noveltyRead MorePresident Obama s 2015 Executive Actions On Gun Control1242 Words   |  5 PagesActions on Gun Control. National Conference of State Legislatures. 5 Jan. 2016. Web. 09 Jan. 2016. President Obama s 2015 Executive Actions on Gun Control. Susan Frederick is the senior federal affairs counsel at National Conference of State Legislatures. She writes an article, President Obama s 2015 Executive Actions on Gun Control, in which she gives an overview of President Obama’s actions regarding gun regulation policy. Frederick begins by writing that the new regulations towards gun control areRead MoreThe Crime Rates Of Murder And Suicide1018 Words   |  5 Pages18, 2015 â€Å"Gun Control in America† The crime rates of murder and suicide is increasing due to guns being handled by different people in our society. Should the American government enforce new gun control laws in our country? This topic matters because gun control will make the country a safer place to live in. However, some people believe that gun control will take over citizen’s rights and isn’t a great idea. Gun control should be enforced by the government because it would help to reduce mass murdersRead MoreThe Solution For Gun Violence951 Words   |  4 PagesFareed Zakaria: The solution to gun violence is clear Guns in the hands of prospective victims of violence can deter criminal attempts or disrupt crimes once they are attempted, thereby exerting a violence-reducing effect. Oddly enough, guns in the hands of aggressors also have certain violence-reducing effects, along with the more obvious violence-increasing effects. The power which weaponry confers has conventionally been treated as exclusively violence-enhancing - it has commonly been assumedRead MoreShould Gun Control Laws be Stricter?1336 Words   |  6 PagesShould gun control laws be stricter? Every day some news related to gun violence are being heard all over the world. Shooting in driveway, public places, schools, homicide and suicide are some of different types of gun violence. Shooting on people and killing them is a big issue in the world and different comments are provided about that. One of the most important of them is about gun control laws. Stingl (2013) says â€Å"The term gun control as it is used in the United States refers to any action takenRead MoreGun Control: America Needs Better Background Checks Essay1188 Words   |  5 Pages Violence and crimes are growing in number and affecting American society. By reinforcing background checks we could reduce crimes and limit easy gun access to mentally ill people. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is a database where the names of people that have committed a misdemeanor, are mentally ill or drug abusers is kept to prevent them from attaining guns. Most criminals buy guns from unlicens ed sellers at gun shows that don’t do properly background checks throughRead MoreStronger Gun Control Will Save Lives an Article by Christine Watkins876 Words   |  4 PagesGun Control in America is seen as ineffective, citizens believe gun control laws in place are not protecting lives, but taking them away. In order to solve this problem, many think more laws should be put in place. By doing so, they believe guns would no longer be in the hands of criminals and lives would not be ended before their time. In Christine Watkins’s article, â€Å"Stronger Gun Control Will Save Lives† She explains that if guns were objects that truly kept us safe, America would be the safestRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control1424 Words   |  6 Pagesto the creation of guns. A repeating firearm is a firearm that holds more that one cartridge and can be fired more than once between chargings. Gun control should be enforced more because it will help prevent violence, it can he lp stop crime, and although some people may argue that gun control should not be enforced because guns can help save people’s lives but they are wrong because people misuse guns. Gun control should be enforced more because it will prevent violence such as mass shootings

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Finding the Best Controversial Topics for a Persuasive Essay

Finding the Best Controversial Topics for a Persuasive Essay The Hidden Truth About Controversial Topics for a Persuasive Essay Persuasive speech topics for teens want to deal with the issues young men and women REALLY care about! You may trust us to supply expert assistance for many of your academic writing needs. Though people believe education is a correct and will make society, overall, a better place for everybody, others feel there's no legitimate way to provide a free college education as colleges would still have to be funded (likely through tax dollars). All people ought to be allowed to receive free high education. The One Thing to Do for Controversial Topics for a Persuasive Essay The greatest persuasive speeches aren't written in a rush. Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't tough to discover. Argumentative research paper topics are a whole lot a lot easier to find than to produce. Sexist advertising needs to be banned 11. You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make sure you do your homework on what the present laws about your favorite topic actually say. Your primary ideas should flow naturally and adhere to the topic. On the flip side, if you select a controversial topic you have very little interest in, you'll find it rather tricky to finish the assignment. If you can't locate a controversial topic on the list that is suitable for your passion, there are a great deal of different resources out there. The readers wish to read an essay that's absolutely free from any mistakes so it will be simple to comprehend. Qualities of a very good persuasive essay topic The topic needs to be specific. Researching the topic will permit you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you truly like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. Having selected a fantastic topic to argue about, at this point you need to make an argumentative essay outline. Selecting an excellent topic for your essay is among the most crucial and frequently tricky parts for many students. If you are in possession of a very clear essay, readers will understand easily what you wish to tell. Writing a superb persuasive essay is not a simple job, however, it's achievable. On the opposing side, obtaining a list of good persuasive essay topics is inadequate. There are just a few things that define whether an essay you're working on is going to be a good one. You should say why it's increasing in the event you need to come up with an argumentative essay. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Always bear in mind a great persuasive essay ought to be persuasive. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics since you need opposing points you could counter to your own points. Usually, a structure of essay includes three chief sections, in other words, introduction, body, and conclusion. As any guide about how to compose a persuasive essay will inform you, your essay has to be organized in paragraphs with a logical progression from 1 paragraph to the next. Even if you're a specialist in a particular field, don't be afraid to use and cite external sources. You may use a variety of examples on the net at no cost. Discover which of the topics, you currently have a fairly good background on which will make it possible for you to have a relative edge. Possessing very good research abilities and selecting a great topic is critical. As an example, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing viewpoint. Within the body, you should have three to four ideas. Whichever topic you select, always don't forget the value of literature sources. The fundamental aim of your paper is to earn an arguable statement or point. Up in Arms About Controversial Topics for a Persuasive Essay? Generally speaking, you will be asked to pick a perspective in an argument or maybe to support a particular viewpoint against critiques. A conclusion is, undoubtedly, the most significant portion of the argumentative essay because you can either support the excellent impression or destroy it entirely. There's no cause or argument mentioned in the subject. Even if you think in a specific argument very strongly, if you lack the evidence to demonstrate your point, then your argument might just be as great as lost. When you settle on this issue and pick the position on which you will base your essay, the remainder of the job can then begin. The very first thing you've got to realize searching for an ideal topic is that your opinion is the thing that matters the most. First thing you ought to do is to think about a few wide topic you want to write about. When you're picking your topic, bear in mind that it's much simpler to write about something which you presently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

State Bank of India vs Icici Free Essays

? STATE BANK OF INDIA. SBI Debt-Equity ratio : 12. 43 (march’12) A high debt/equity ratio generally means that a company has been aggressive in financing its growth with debt. We will write a custom essay sample on State Bank of India vs Icici or any similar topic only for you Order Now This can result in volatile earnings as a result of the additional interest expense. If a lot of  debt is  used to finance increased  operations (high debt to equity), the company could potentially generate more earnings  than it would have without this  outside financing. If this were to increase earnings by a greater amount than the debt cost (interest), then the shareholders benefit as  more  earnings are being spread among the same amount of shareholders. However, the cost of this debt financing may  outweigh the return that  the company  generates on the debt through investment and business activities and become too much for the company to handle. This can lead to bankruptcy, which would leave shareholders with nothing. The debt/equity ratio also depends on the industry  in which the company operates. For example, capital-intensive industries such as auto  manufacturing tend to have a debt/equity ratio above 2, while personal computer companies have a debt/equity of under 0. 5. ICICI BANK LTD. ? ICICI Debt Equity ratio: 4. 23 (march’12) Which is the better bank? As we said earlier, SBI’s government backing makes it the more ‘safer’ entity. ICICI by itself does not have the reputation of good quality assets. But it is certainly striving to achieve the same. Both in terms of margins and returns, SBI has had an edge and will continue to have it in the medium term. Having said that investors must carefully weigh the future prospects of both the entities vis-a-vis their respective valuations before taking their pick. DEBT INSTRUMENTS IN INDIA. Debt Instruments are obligations of issuer of such instrument as regards certain future cash flow representing Interest Principal, which the issuer would pay to the legal owner of the Instrument. They can also be said to be tradable form of loans. Debt Instruments are of various types like Bonds, Debentures, Commercial Papers, Certificates of Deposit, Government Securities (G secs) etc. The Government Securities (G-Secs) market is the oldest and the largest component of the Indian debt market in terms of market capitalization, trading volumes and outstanding securities. The G-Secs market plays a vital role in the Indian economy as it provides the benchmark for determining the level of interest rates in the country through the yields on the government securities which are treated as the risk-free rate of return in any economy. The reserve Bank of India has permitted Primary Dealers, Banks and Financial Institutions in India to do transactions in debt instruments among themselves or with non-bank clients. Debt instruments provide fixed return declared as coupon rate. Retail investors would have a natural preference for fixed income returns and especially so in the current situation of increasing volatility in the financial markets. Now, retail investors are also showing keen interest in Debt Instruments particularly in the Central Government Securities (G-secs). For an individual investor G-secs are one of the best investment options as there is zero default risk and lower volatility in case of G-secs. SBI DFHI is a major player in G-Secs market and widely deals in other debt instruments also. STATE BANK OF INDIA: ) GOVERNMENT SECURITIES: (dates government securities-long term, treasury bills are short term) SBI DFHI Ltd. is a leading Primary Dealer in Government Securities. SBI DFHI Ltd gives investors an opportunity to buy G-Sec / SDLs / T-Bills at primary market auctions of RBI through its SBI DFHI Invest scheme (details available on website ). Investors may also invest in high yielding Government Securities through â€Å"SBI DFHI Trade† where â€Å"buy and sell price† and a buy and sell facility for select liquid scrips in the secondary markets is offered. ) TREASURY BILLS: SBI DFHI Ltd, is an active player in the both the primary and the secondary market for Treasury Bills with an impressive total outr. ight turnover of Rs. 7,892 crores. 3) Money market instruments : Commercial paper, Certificate of Deposit: 4) non-slr bonds like public sector undertaking (PSU bonds) or corporate bonds 5) Debentures ICICI: 1) Bonds (regular income, tax saving, deep discount bonds etc. ) 2) Unsecured Debentures 3) Commerical Papers 4) certificate of deposit LISTINGS: STATE BANK OF INDIA: NSE . CODE: SBIN BSE CODE : 500112 LSE CODE: SBID ICICI: NSE:  ICICIBANK, BSE:  532174, NYSE:  IBN STATE BANK OF INDIA: The declaration and payment of dividends is recommended by the Bank’s Central Board of Directors and approved by its shareholders. The Bank’s decision to declare a dividend depends on a number of factors including but not limited to its profits, capital requirements and overall financial condition. The Central Board may also pay interim dividends from time to time. All dividend payments are made in cash to the shareholders of the Bank. The Bank’s dividend policy is to declare dividends only at the conclusion of the fiscal year. ? ICICI ? How to cite State Bank of India vs Icici, Essay examples

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

title ix Essays (749 words) - Gender Equality,

Title IX was a major step forward for all of us. It was much more then just sports, it also was about women having equal rights when it came to our education. When faced with a essay about my personal beliefs, a lot comes to mind. In order to find a article that would be legitimate for this assignment, I thought long and hard. Title IX serves against discrimination of any kind, specifically with sex.?It the reason why women have the right to play sports in college and all around the world. I don?t see anything wrong with the amendment because I believe that women should have the right to participate in sport. I can understand if they weren?t permitted to do physical or strenuous activities such as football and wrestling because men or boys are better suited for these activities. In my article it talk about how male athletes on college campuses say they're losing out to women by the way Title IX is being enforced. Now on a college varsity teams, there are now five times as many women as there were in 1972. Man college sport are being cut because it cost to much. It hurt males who by nature enjoy sports more than women. How can you say it is a good thing when women have been offered scholarships for sports that don?t bring a lot of income to the table. I personally think that some sport should be cute if the don?t have a source of income. I think Title IX is being enforce the wrong way. For example, football is the number one source of income for the school. One must realize that this sport will help pay for many things in the athletic department, including other sports. But if there is a school that happens to have a women?s volleyball program that does bring money to the school. it is very easy to see why the volleyball program still exists just because of Title X. Logically, I believe school should dump a program that does not have a very good run and is not driving in a successful amount of income. if a program is not holding it own, they should be cut off.? Due to the law in place by Title IX, it makes it almost impossible to simply drop a sport of the opposite sex. I agree that women should have the right to participate in sport but Title X give them too much right. As stated earlier, when one sport, like football drives in a huge amount of income, this money does not solely stay in the football department.?This income gets filtered down to different sports within the university. To make a story short and simplified, a very popular and very successful sport is going to be funding an all-around less successful sport specifically because Title IX mandates that there be an equal opportunity for both genders when male sport provide the most income. Oregon has very successful track programs on both the men?s and women?s sides.? On any given year, there is a more than fair chance that both men?s and women?s track programs of Oregon will win the pack 10. I guess the point I am trying to make here is that Oregon has many successful sports. Al so Oregon has a football team that very successful. There is no doubt in my mind that football and track at Oregon probably funded a lot of the money. This is not right, in my opinion. If a sport is not pulling its own weight over a consistant and lengthy amount of time, it should be cut off.?It is not fair to the women?s or the men?s track program to have to pay for another sport that does not give anything in return. I think that it is important to give an equal opportunity to both sexes, but not at the expense of higher grossing sports.? It may be a good idea to cut some unyielding sports, either men or women, if the opportunity presented itself, in order to further move along a successful program. Money from an unsuccessful sport will be able to help a successful sport stay on top. I