Wednesday, April 29, 2020

title ix Essays (749 words) - Gender Equality,

Title IX was a major step forward for all of us. It was much more then just sports, it also was about women having equal rights when it came to our education. When faced with a essay about my personal beliefs, a lot comes to mind. In order to find a article that would be legitimate for this assignment, I thought long and hard. Title IX serves against discrimination of any kind, specifically with sex.?It the reason why women have the right to play sports in college and all around the world. I don?t see anything wrong with the amendment because I believe that women should have the right to participate in sport. I can understand if they weren?t permitted to do physical or strenuous activities such as football and wrestling because men or boys are better suited for these activities. In my article it talk about how male athletes on college campuses say they're losing out to women by the way Title IX is being enforced. Now on a college varsity teams, there are now five times as many women as there were in 1972. Man college sport are being cut because it cost to much. It hurt males who by nature enjoy sports more than women. How can you say it is a good thing when women have been offered scholarships for sports that don?t bring a lot of income to the table. I personally think that some sport should be cute if the don?t have a source of income. I think Title IX is being enforce the wrong way. For example, football is the number one source of income for the school. One must realize that this sport will help pay for many things in the athletic department, including other sports. But if there is a school that happens to have a women?s volleyball program that does bring money to the school. it is very easy to see why the volleyball program still exists just because of Title X. Logically, I believe school should dump a program that does not have a very good run and is not driving in a successful amount of income. if a program is not holding it own, they should be cut off.? Due to the law in place by Title IX, it makes it almost impossible to simply drop a sport of the opposite sex. I agree that women should have the right to participate in sport but Title X give them too much right. As stated earlier, when one sport, like football drives in a huge amount of income, this money does not solely stay in the football department.?This income gets filtered down to different sports within the university. To make a story short and simplified, a very popular and very successful sport is going to be funding an all-around less successful sport specifically because Title IX mandates that there be an equal opportunity for both genders when male sport provide the most income. Oregon has very successful track programs on both the men?s and women?s sides.? On any given year, there is a more than fair chance that both men?s and women?s track programs of Oregon will win the pack 10. I guess the point I am trying to make here is that Oregon has many successful sports. Al so Oregon has a football team that very successful. There is no doubt in my mind that football and track at Oregon probably funded a lot of the money. This is not right, in my opinion. If a sport is not pulling its own weight over a consistant and lengthy amount of time, it should be cut off.?It is not fair to the women?s or the men?s track program to have to pay for another sport that does not give anything in return. I think that it is important to give an equal opportunity to both sexes, but not at the expense of higher grossing sports.? It may be a good idea to cut some unyielding sports, either men or women, if the opportunity presented itself, in order to further move along a successful program. Money from an unsuccessful sport will be able to help a successful sport stay on top. I